University of Ulster Offers Free Environmental Management Training

The University of Ulster is to host a free training programme for local construction companies in a bid to help reduce the 4 million tonnes of waste produced by the industry each year. It is estimated that only around one third of Northern Ireland’s construction, demolition and excavation waste is currently reused or recycled.

But now, thanks to funding from the Department of the Environment’s Rethink Waste Revenue Fund, the University can offer free training to contractors who want to reduce the amount of construction materials they send to landfill.

Organised by the Constructing Excellence NI (CEni) team at the Jordanstown campus, the programme will run in partnership with the Government funded WRAP NI agency, which delivers a range of initiatives and support programmes to encourage more recycling. The training aims to contribute towards the Rethink Waste Revenue Fund’s objective of reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions through engagement with the construction sector.

Running from next month until March 2012, the programme will enable 16 local contractors to implement and operate a certifiable Environmental Management System (EMS) and a Waste Management System (WMS) which will help them to comply with forthcoming construction site waste legislation.

Participating companies will receive: free software; training and support to enable implementation of an EMS within six to 12 months of starting the programme; Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) training and support; and a carbon utilities tracking tool to monitor, record and manage utilities.

Companies interested in joining the EMS/SWMP Training Programme can obtain an application form by contacting the CEni team at the University of Ulster – visit

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