The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., has today 06/11/2011 announced that a sponsor is being sought for TidyTowns for the period 2012 to 2016, to work in partnership with the Department in enhancing the TidyTowns experience for communities all over Ireland.
The Minister said that, “TidyTowns is one of Ireland’s most recognisable brands, with an unrivalled reach into the communities of Ireland.” The ethos and values of the competition offer very strong opportunities for brand association. TidyTowns offers the corporate sponsor an opportunity to demonstrate real commitment to supporting Irish communities.
The sponsor will benefit fully from the very strong consumer awareness of TidyTowns, and has the opportunity to build on the widespread support that the competition enjoys among communities all over the country. This sponsorship represents an opportunity to engage in a nationwide initiative that is mutually advantageous to the sponsor and participating communities – a partnership that can make a real difference!
TidyTowns is a unique sponsorship opportunity; the competition attracts participants from almost every age and socio-economic group. The Minister explained that, “interest in the competition has continued to grow in recent times and this year there was a record entry from 821 communities from all over Ireland. While the competitive element is obviously very important, TidyTowns is just as much about participation and getting involved; communities coming together to improve the place they live, and the fun, friendship, camaraderie, and community links that result.”
As well as the significant brand association that TidyTowns sponsorship delivers, the competition also attracts significant and prolonged media exposure at national and local level, and across print and broadcast media.
A prospectus on the sponsorship is available from the Department’s TidyTowns section (details below). Potential sponsors are invited to submit bids before 5 December. A number of criteria will be taken into consideration when assessing proposals including the proposed direct sponsorship fee, the envisaged sponsorship support programme, indicative indirect investment, and the overall fit between the sponsor’s brand and the TidyTowns brand.
For a copy of the prospectus, potential sponsors can contact Kevin Forde (, 053 911 7485)
Note for Editors
Tidy Towns – the Competition
• Towns and villages throughout the country compete each year for the coveted title of Ireland’s Tidiest Town. The competition is a year round initiative; communities are involved in developing and maintaining their towns and villages throughout the year with activity intensifying from Spring onwards. A record 821 communities entered the 2011 competition.
• The National Awards Ceremony for 2011 was held in the Helix Theatre in September, and was televised on RTÉ’s Nationwide programme. The main prizes and winners for 2011 are as follows:
Ireland’s Tidiest Town – overall winner Killarney
Ireland’s Tidiest Large Urban Centre Kilkenny
Ireland’s Tidiest Large Town Killarney
Ireland’s Tidiest Small Town Lismore
Ireland’s Tidiest Village Emly
• Approximately €210,000 in prize-money has been distributed to the various winners in the 2011 competition. In addition to the overall awards, there are various special awards, awards for best towns/villages in each region and county; the prestigious Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals for towns that perform well in each population category, and Endeavour Awards for entrants that show the greatest improvement from the previous year.
• A commemorative plaque is also unveiled in the town which wins the overall award. This unveiling forms part of a ‘Celebration Day’ in the town or village and usually takes place in May of the following year. The unveiling has been carried out in recent years by the President of Ireland.
• SuperValu who are the current sponsors of TidyTowns, were awarded the sponsorship after a similar open call for proposals was issued in 2006. The resulting agreement with SuperValu was for 5 years and expires at the end of this year. In all SuperValu have sponsored TidyTowns for 20 years and have been a key partner in developing and growing the competition