Outlook Optimistic for Europe’s Power Sector in 2011

Energy and utilities firms have expressed optimism concerning the growth prospects for Europe’s electricity market in 2011. A poll of 60 power equipment and service providers and their customers undertaken at Power-Gen Europe 2010 found that the majority of respondents (75%) see a strengthening in market demand next year, despite the uncertainty surrounding international climate change regulation. Indeed, only a tiny minority of respondents – just 1.5% – thought the market would weaken, although many firms have yet to be convinced that the EC’s drive towards a single electricity market will be beneficial to their business.

In a survey designed to gauge industry confidence, Power-Gen Europe, the leading event for the international power industry, found that EU targets to reduce carbon emissions and increase power efficiency, each by 20% by 2020, are expected to drive the market.

The results of the survey were announced ahead of Power-Gen Europe 2011, which is being held at Fiera Milano City in Milan, from 7-9 June. Visitors to the event will also have access to Europe’s leading renewable and nuclear energy exhibitions – Renewable Energy World Europe 2011 and Nuclear Power Europe 2011. In addition, all three events will be complemented by a comprehensive conference programme, providing participants with a deeper understanding of a wide range of industry issues.

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