As part of the Smart Mobility Hub, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council have engaged in the development of a platform for staff to access to e-cars, e-bikes and pushbikes for off-site business travel, reducing commuting congestion and emissions in the county.
Just over 12 months ago, Smart Dublin launched the Smart Mobility Hub Challenge seeking smart, low-cost solutions that could provide alternative, cleaner and more sustainable transportation options for Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Council staff in both their daily commute and work day commitments. The challenge, run in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland, is part of the Small Business Innovation Research programme, a pre-commercial procurement initiative to drive innovation across the Irish Public Sector via robust engagement with technology rich companies and organisations.
Launched on 20 June, 2019, the pilot project undertaken by dlrcc will see the work which has been done to date through the Smart Mobility Hub challenge by providing access to e-cars, e-bikes and pushbikes for off-site visits and business in the county through a web app. Following the evaluation of the pilot scheme the app, designed by Aecom, may be deployed across the four Dublin Local Authorities meaning fewer staff cars on the road at rush-hour with less congestion and an improvement in air quality. From an environmental point of view, all vehicles in the hub will have zero exhaust-pipe emissions, which is great in terms of both air quality and general climate change. Aside from it’s everyday working fleet of 17 electric cars and vans, dlrcc currently have four electric vehicles available for staff from all Departments to access for Council business, ensuring that we are working towards more sustainable travel options while conducting our council duties. Finally, the Hub is encouraging all our staff to try e-cars and e-bikes and accelerate adoption of cleaner transport options.
This pilot is part of phase 1 of the Smart Dublin SBIR Mobility Hub Challenge, stay tuned for more updates over the coming months!
For more info please contact commsoffice@dlrcoco.ie or telephone 01 204 7090.