Expert Commission Established on the North South Electricity Interconnector

The Government has decided to establish an international expert commission to review and report, within six months, on a case for, and cost of, undergrounding (all or part of) Meath-Tyrone 400KV power lines.

“This decision implements a commitment in the Programme for Government. It will afford an opportunity for careful consideration of the issues at stake,” says Minister for Energy Pat Rabbitte TD. “In the next few days I will finalise and announce the composition of the three person expert Commission. I expect that the group will complete its work by October of this year.”

In preparing its Report the Expert Commission will:

* review expert literature already available both in Ireland and internationally in relation to undergrounding high voltage power lines.

* consider the route or routes proposed by EirGrid.

* examine the case for and cost of undergrounding all or part of the Meath-Tyrone 400KV line.

* consult with EirGrid, the North East Pylon Pressure Committee and the County Monaghan Anti Pylon Committee, and which ever other bodies or organisations it sees fit.

The case for the actual provision of the Meath-Tyrone power line is not subject to review.

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