Major Role For Renewables in Meeting UK's Climate Targets

Renewable energy should make a major contribution to decarbonising the UK economy over the next decades, according to the Committee on Climate Change The conclusions are set out in the Committee’s Renewable Energy Review which was requested under the Coalition Agreement.

The review concludes that a renewable energy share of around 30% by 2030 would be appropriate, with scope for a higher share (eg up to 45%) depending on the extent to which renewable technology costs fall and possible constraints on deployment of low-carbon alternatives.

It highlights a range of promising renewable energy technologies which could in future become competitive, including electricity generation from wind and marine, air and ground source heat pumps and the use of bioenergy for heat generation.

“Our analysis shows that renewable energy technologies are very promising, and have an important role to play in helping to meet the UK’s carbon budgets and 2050 target, alongside other low-carbon technologies such as nuclear and CCS,” comments Lord Adair Turner, chair of the Committee on Climate Change. “The focus now should be creating a stable investment climate for renewables, making longer-term commitments to support less mature technologies, and putting in place incentives to deliver significantly increased investment in renewable power and heat generation required over the next decade.”

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