Europe’s Largest Annual Environment Conference – Using Less, Living Better

Opening today, Green Week 2011 (24 – 27 May) launches a call for citizens to “use less and live better”. During the main conference, being held in Brussels, over 3500 participants will look at how we can use our planet’s resources in a more sustainable way.    

  This year’s Green Week gathers participants from a wide variety of backgrounds, including EU institutions, business and industry, NGO’s, public authorities, the scientific community, academia and the media.   

  Some 30 events are scheduled to take place outside Brussels, including events to come in Slovenia (25-27 May, 2 June) and Poland (11 June). The conference is to be web streamed in its entirety. An exhibition with over 50 stands allows organisations and companies to showcase best practices on the efficient use of resources.

  This year’s theme supports the Europe 2020 flagship initiative on resource efficiency, encouraging a shift towards a resource- efficient, low-carbon economy to achieve sustainable growth. With contributions from across the Commission, the conference palette is broader than ever. Together with discussions on traditional environmental issues like the availability of resources, recycling, biodiversity and soil, the conference will examine issues including the transition to a resource efficient economy, greener chemicals, green skills, employment & innovation, financing, eco-innovation, food waste, waste as a resource, water efficiency, green construction and business ideas for the ‘circular’ economy.

 First international flight of solar powered plane –

  One of the highlights will be the visit to the Solar Impulse at Brussels Zaventem Airport. Solar Impulse, the first aeroplane designed to fly day and night without requiring fuel and without producing carbon emissions, showcases the potential held by new technologies in terms of energy savings and renewable energy production. It is on display in the European capital from 23 to 29 May 2011.

 For more information follow the link to the Green Week 2011 website.


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