Spreading Renewable Energy Know-how Around the Globe

The Renewables Academy, based in Berlin, is celebrating its third birthday. Since its establishment in January 2008, over 1,200 participants from 96 countries have been trained in the technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency – both in Berlin and abroad.

Through its educational programs, RENAC has covered the necessary steps for the implementation of renewable energy technologies. A key feature of RENAC is its Training Centre with its fixed as well as mobile training facilities for photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind and energy efficiency technologies, so that not only theoretical but also practical training can be carried out flexibly in Germany and abroad.

A highlight has been the “TREE – Transfer Renewable Energy & Efficiency” knowledge transfer project, funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) for government employees of over 70 countries. TREE supports the development of sustainable energy in developing and emerging countries. So far, over 600 participants from energy ministries, companies and NGOs have attended the 36 seminars.

In addition, the two-year Master’s degree GPE Solar – Global Production Engineering, which has been offered in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin since 2008, has enjoyed great interest. In the last semester there were a total of more than hundred applicants for 32 places. This degree-level training program, unique across the world, covers the areas of production, engineering, business development and marketing for photovoltaics and solar thermal energy.

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