Bord Gais, ESB, Airtricity and Regulator Face Oireachtas Committee

Following a doubling in the rate of electricity disconnections and a warning by Bord Gais of a ‘social recession’, the Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Energy and Natural Resources will question officials from Bord Gais, ESB, Airtricty and the Commission for Energy Regulation today, 29th September at 9:45 am.

The Committee has asked the regulator and electricity providers to a meeting following concerns regarding the soaring disconnection rates, the extreme cost of reconnection and the high electricity prices.

“The rapid rise in disconnections is a worrying trend. We want to impress upon the utility companies and the regulator the real hardship people are suffering. Disconnections must be a last resort and they could consider implementing a zero disconnect policy for domestic customers unless fraud is involved,” explains MJ Nolan TD, chairman of Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.

It has been revealed that almost 2,500 households a month, some 80 a day, are having their electricity disconnected after failing to pay their bills. It seems that the price for reconnecting electricity is too high and can be prohibitively expensive for some

There have also been questions raised by Committee members as to why consumers in Northern Ireland pay almost 15% less for their electricity bills. The Committee intends to put these serious matters to those with responsibility for regulating and providing energy to the Irish market.

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