Plan Expo Green at the World’s First Carbon Neutral Convention Centre

Ireland is leading the way in staging one of the first trade exhibitions at the world’s first carbon neutral convention centre. Plan Expo Green, takes place in the new Convention Centre Dublin on Tuesday and Wednesday 2nd and 3rd November.

A leading showcase for the built environment, Plan Expo Green at its new venue, will become one of the first trade exhibitions to take place at the new venue, joining forces with leading carbon consultants Emission Zero to ensure not just a carbon neutral building, but a carbon neutral event. The Convention Centre is an appropriate venue for a green event as the net impact of the building’s construction on the environment is zero.

In addition, Plan Expo Green will host a two-day conference, ‘Rebuilding Ireland 2’ running alongside the show at which experts from across the construction sector will offer a national and international perspective on best practice in sustainable design from new zero energy housing to the adaptation, re-use and retrofit of existing building stock.  This follows on from the inaugural Rebuilding Ireland Conference, which ran successfully last November during Plan Expo.

With sustainability and the future of construction as its main focus, Plan Expo Green will showcase the latest products and technologies within the construction industry.

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