Nisa members will be able to make savings of over 75% on their annual membership fees by signing up to help the environment in a move by the group to take its business paperless. As part of Nisa’s ongoing commitment to reduce costs to members it has decided to offer members a paperless membership option for the 2010/11 business year. The paperless option will require members opting into the scheme to receive all communication from Nisa in an electronic format, but in return they will save £2,500 in annual membership fees.
Instead of postal delivery, members choosing to go green will be able to access their business documents, such as invoices and statements, via an online delivery portal. Other documents not currently available online will be phased into the scheme gradually.

“We are unswerving in our support of the independent retailer and believe it is our duty to offer every opportunity to make our members more successful,” said James Roberts, head of commercial operations and member service at Nisa-Today’s. “By offering a 75% reduction in annual membership fees for those members wishing to sign up to our paperless option we are not only reducing their costs, but also their carbon footprint, which is an important consideration for all businesses today.”
Following the groups decision to commission an environmental audit of its business in 2008/09, it has been examining ways it can improve its green credentials. This recent move demonstrates the group’s commitment to protecting it members’ independence and the planet.