Environmental Protection Agency to Appear Before Climate Change Committee

Representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will appear before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security today, Wednesday, 7th July, to discuss its report Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas Projections 2010-2020.

According to the latest report from the EPA, the recession and reduced industrial production have had a significant impact on carbon emissions and put Ireland on course to meet its Kyoto Protocol commitments on gas emissions.

The EPA says compliance would be achieved through a decline in greenhouse gas emissions and the State fulfilling its commitment to buy ‘credits’ for 8.25 million tonnes of carbon.

The purchase of credits is expected to cost the State Eur110 million. The Kyoto Protocol limits Ireland’s emissions to an average of 62.8 million tonnes of CO2 per year in the period 2008 to 2012.

However, the EPA says that major challenges still remain in achieving significant reductions in greenhouse gases and concluded that achieving more stringent EU targets for 2020 would be more difficult.
While emissions from agriculture, energy and transport have fallen due to the economic downturn, the EPA predicts the State would still be 2.8 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year above the target for 2020.

According to Chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security, Sean Barrett, TD: “The meeting will provide the EPA with the opportunity to outline the key findings of its report and will also provide Committee Members with an opportunity to discuss all aspects of the report, raise any issues or concerns they may have in relation to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and examine the options open to Ireland to meet our targets.”

This meeting will take place in Committee Room 1, Leinster House at 2.30pm tomorrow, Wednesday, 7th July. This Committee can be viewed on-line at www.oireachtas.ie/ViewDoc.asp?fn=/documents/livewebcast/Web-Live.htm&CatID=83&m=o.

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