Biogas ‘overlooked’ compared to other renewable energies

Calls are mounting for a biogas industry to be rolled out nationwide in a bid to bolster farm incomes and reduce Ireland’s agricultural carbon footprint. Tonight (Thursday, December 13) on episode 15 of FarmLand, Sean Finan, the CEO of the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) urged the Government to develop policy and financial supports to bolster the … Read more

HERU hailed as the new hero in the fight against plastics pollution and global warming

A major weapon in the worldwide campaign against plastics pollution and global warming, HERU, has proven to be the ultimate cleaner environment warrior, a new independent scrutiny report has revealed.  The HERU, which is backed by major boiler manufacturer BAXI, is the least impactful option in contributing to global warming compared to traditional resource collection methods. According to the World Wildlife Fund, … Read more

Climate talks end with baby steps when we need a giant leap

Communities and campaigners now leading the transformation as “leaders” trail The COP24 climate summit came to an end this weekend, and it is clear that governments have failed to adequately respond to the catastrophic impacts of climate change that were highlighted in October’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report. That landmark report stated we need to … Read more

Government Announces First Successful projects under Round One of €500 million Climate Action Fund

7 major climate change projects to share €77 million government funding, leveraging a total investment of €300 million in round one of the scheme   Potential to reduce annual emissions by over 200 thousand tonnes of carbon as a result of new initiatives   The Taoiseach, Mr. Leo Varadkar T.D., the Minister for Communications, Climate … Read more

European Commission calls for a climate neutral Europe by 2050

Today the European Commission adopted a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050 – A Clean Planet for all. The strategy shows how Europe can lead the way to climate neutrality by investing into realistic technological solutions, empowering citizens, and aligning action in key areas such as industrial … Read more

Better Genetics boost to Carbon Reduction in Dairy Beef

Initial results from trials on ABP’s Research and Development Farm have indicated the potential for a 13% carbon reduction through the use of improved genetics in beef animals from the dairy herd. The findings were announced to an influential international delegation of sustainability practitioners from the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB), and are part … Read more

Ireland’s plan for electric vehicles will reduce emissions, but may come at a cost

The level of emissions coming from Ireland’s transport sector are undeniably high, which is of particular concern when considering the country’s commitment to a future with lower levels of greenhouse gases, ratified by the 2015 Paris Agreement. The long-term solution to this problem is to shift people from buying heavily-polluting petrol and diesel cars over … Read more