The idea of a circular economy is gaining rapid interest amongst larger companies but we really want to know what it means to smaller businesses too. At a practical level, for businesses, a circular economy focuses on sustainable products and/or methods that can be achieved, for example, through recycling or reuse of waste materials, or at the end of their usable lives, products could be disassembled and remanufactured.
The preparatory project SEED2Sustain the North, financed by the Northern Periphery and Arctic-programme, wants to inspire profit and non-profit associations, organisations, businesses, and the general public to spread sustainability seeds and contribute to sustainable development. The project wishes to focus on broadening the market for rural SMEs that either already focus on sustainable products, work with sustainable methods, or want to, but just haven’t got around to it yet.
As part of designing the project, we would like to hear your views and we hope you are able to give us 5 minutes of your time to complete this short survey (10 tick box questions).