The ‘natural environment’ has been added to the list of good causes that can receive National Lottery funds.
“This is a huge win for all Irish communities who now have access to a new resource to help them protect their natural environment and to safeguard their economies, health and wellbeing,” says Michael Ewing, Coordinator of the Irish Environmental Network, a network of 32 national environmental groups.
This follows the passing of an amendment to the National Lottery Bill 2012 in the Dáil, proposed by Deputies Maureen O’Sullivan and Mary Lou McDonald. During the debate, both they and Deputies Joe O’Reilly and Michael McNamara spoke of the importance of our natural environment to Ireland’s tourism, food exports, job creation and cultural heritage.
Members of the Irish Environmental Network are: An Taisce, Bat Conservation Ireland, BirdWatch Ireland, CELT – Centre for Ecological Living and Training, Coast Watch, Coomhola Salmon Trust, Crann, ECO UNESCO, FEASTA, Forest Friends, Friends of the Earth, Friends of the Irish Environment, Global Action Plan Ireland, Gluaiseacht, Hedge Laying Association of Ireland, Irish Doctors Environment Association, Irish Natural Forestry Foundation, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Irish Seal Sanctuary, Irish Seed Saver Association, Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, Irish Wildlife Trust, Just Forests, The Curlew Trust, The Golden Eagle Trust, The Native Woodland Trust, The Organic Centre, Sonairte, Sustainable Ireland Cooperative, Sustainable Projects Ireland, VOICE, Zero Waste Alliance Ireland.