An application was submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department to request a screening opinion as to whether or not an environmental impact assessment is required.

This is an assessment of the environmental consequences of a plan prior to the decision to move forward, with the council confirming that such an assessment is not required in this case.

Biffa says the temporary development would take around three months to construct, including ground preparation, installation of security features and erection of the solar panels.

Security measures include a 2metre high fence around the site perimeter and CCTV coverage.

Once installed, the solar farm would only require minimal periodic monitoring and maintenance, with the use of the land being ‘entirely reversible’.

At the end of the solar farm’s lifespan, the solar panels and associated infrastructure would be removed from the site and the land returned to its former condition

Plans state: “Taking into account the temporary nature of the development and the current use of the site and its surroundings, it is considered that the proposal does not have the potential for significant environmental impact.”