Proiseail (An Clochan Liath) Teoranta, trading as Irish Fish Canners, located in Dungloe, Co. Donegal was established in 1977 and is the largest and only fish canning facility in Ireland.
Sustainability headlines
Target to reduce fish waste by 30% over the next 3 years
Plans to increase to 75% the use of recyclable outer packaging
12% energy reduction target by 2018
Sustainability credentials
Irish Fish Canners embarked on an efficiency review in 2013 generating significant reductions in energy, fish waste and carbon footprint. Investment in its round-can production line has allowed for considerable improvements in labour, energy and material costs as well as reductions in waste. The company is introducing a Lean Transformation programme in early 2015, supported by Enterprise Ireland.
In keeping with its sea to shelf philosophy, Irish Fish Canners robustly tests its systems for forward and backward traceability and conducts annual audits of suppliers. Irish Fish Canners is compliant with the Marine Stewardship Council and all fish is sourced from sustainable fishing zones (FAO 27) within the cold clear water of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Origin Green in action
Irish Fish Canners’ participation in Origin Green will see the development of an informal Environmental Management System and the implementation of sustainability targets in the areas of raw material sourcing, manufacturing, social sustainability and health and nutrition.