First ever ISGAN Award goes to Smartview in New Orleans

On Tuesday May 13th ISGAN and GSGF awarded the first ISGAN Award of Excellence to Smartview, an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) pilot project. The Global Smart Grid Federation is delighted to recognise this exemplar of global best practice in how an organization has encouraged a very real and tangible engagement by consumers with smart metering technology. (note; Smart Grid Ireland is a founding member of GSGF)

The ‘SmartView’ AMI pilot project engaged and empowered 4,700 low‐income consumers to use AMI technologies to better manage their energy use and reduce their energy bills. Consumers were invited to participate in a variety of demand‐response programs, including programs to provide rebates for reducing energy use during peak periods and to reduce air conditioning use (through load controls).

Entergy New Orleans’ staff, the New Orleans City Council, and community organizations worked together to introduce AMI technology, educate participants, produce energy savings, and provide a platform for the implementation of future smart grid technologies. Approximately 80 to 90 percent of the program participants believed the program saved them money on their energy bills, and over 90 percent expressed interest in participating on a permanent basis.

ISGAN and GSGF also recognized a second project, Østkraft Holding A/S’ Ecogrid: Consumer Engagement in the Future Power System, with the title “Honorable Mention,” as well as eight additional projects as finalists.

SGF Executive Director Ronnie Belmans led a distinguished jury of international experts in making the selection. “ ‘SmartView’ exemplifies the successful empowerment of consumers to achieve remarkable societal benefits associated with smart grids.”