Small and medium-sized enterprises Participation in FP7 projects

Biotechnology is among today’s most innovative technologies and is a significant driver of economic growth within the bioeconomy. We are now able to produce bio-based products in more eco-efficient and sustainable ways. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working in the biotechnology field, which are behind much of the innovation and job creation taking place in Europe, are among those harvesting the potential of the bioeconomy.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the measures taken by the European Commission to encourage SME participation in EU-funded projects within the FP7 activity ‘Biotechnologies’, and of the opportunities that SMEs found. It updates knowledge on SMEs’ profiles, share of funding received, their added value for projects, business benefits, etc. The positive results confirm that the European Commission’s efforts to support SME participation have paid off

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Between 2007 and 2013, more than 500 small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) participated in EU-funded projects within the FP7 Activity “Biotechnologies”. The successful results show that the European Commission’s efforts to provide the most favourable conditions possible to encourage SME involvement have paid off.

SME’ involvement contributed to the success of the projects concerned, promoting innovative solutions and bringing the research results close to the market but it also led to concrete benefits for the SMEs themselves. SMEs said they gained many benefits by participating in projects, including the funding needed to do more R&D and innovation, new networks and contacts, and novel skills for staff. The companies also became more competitive and found it easier to gain access to new markets – boosting their profitability and productivity.
