Dublin City Council Focuses on Scoop that Poop!

Dublin City Council spends over €31 million euro every year on litter removal and street cleaning, employing over 500 staff working around the clock to keep Dublin clean. It is hugely important that the city looks its best at all times from a business, tourist and leisure point of view and indeed for the citizens of Dublin.

Supported by the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government , Failte Ireland and Dublin ISPCA, the Council has recently launched it’s new Litter Awareness Campaign. The focus of this campaign is dog fouling and graffiti.

The campaign, ‘Let’s Make a Clean Start Together’, is calling on citizens to simply pick up after their dogs and dispose of the dog litter in a bin.

Dog litter is an ongoing source of considerable nuisance to all and it is particularly difficult to control. Toxocara can be contracted from infected dog litter and can lead to serious illness.

Graffitti is also a constant problem in Dublin costing the city council and private owners hundreds of thousands of euro each year to remove. Dublin City Council spends €350,000 annually on graffiti removal. 

“Organised local residents association cleanups, picking up a piece of litter you see on the street, park or promenade, cleaning up after your dog and reporting illegal graffiti are just some of the simple things you can do to help make our city a cleaner and healthier place in which to live work and play safely” says Hugh Coughlan, Environment and Engineering Dept, Dublin City Council. “Dubliners are proud of their city, its culture, character and achievements. We are calling on all citizens to demonstrate that pride by helping to keep their city clean.”

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