A new suite of guidance on energy from waste (EfW) has been launched by WRAP in the UK. The guidance provides practical information for businesses looking at developing smaller-scale EfW facilities as a waste treatment option, where waste prevention, re-use or recycling of residual waste isn’t possible.
The full suite of guidance brings together a wealth of information in a concise format, providing clarity and guidance at key stages of the design and planning process in particular:
* Potential sources of funding: such as the Green Investment Bank, and the EDF Energy Green Fund
* Planning: explaining the planning process including timescales, consultation requirements, and environmental impact assessments
* Environmental Permitting Regulations: guidance on what the regulations are and what they mean for EfW facilities
* Feedstock: issues that affect the accessibility, security and suitability of waste materials as fuel for EfW processes
* EfW outputs and residues: how to manage energy outputs and residues including air pollution control residues and incinerator bottom ash
* Waste Incineration Directive: the requirements of the Directive and the implications for waste wood biomass and smaller scale EfW
* Financial incentives: explains the financial incentives currently available to support renewable energy installations
WRAP started working on EfW in 2011 with the aim of addressing barriers and providing guidance to build knowledge levels and understanding. This will help to raise the profile of EfW as part of the total solution to waste.
The full suite of guidance can be found at www.wrap.org.uk/efw.
Established as a not-for-profit company in 2000, WRAP is backed by government funding from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.