Statutory planning guidelines for local authorities on Spatial Planning and National Roads have been published. The Guidelines are aimed at ensuring that local authorities, in their planning and transport roles work proactively with the National Roads Authority ensuring that transport and land use planning considerations are taken into account at the early stages of both development plan and development management processes. This is to ensure that future development in the vicinity of national roads is guided to the most suitable location and that development on the national roads network is planned for and managed in a complementary and integrated manner.
The guidelines set out a national policy framework that local authorities will use in guiding development essential to Ireland’s economic recovery to the most appropriate locations. This type of joined-up thinking is essential to the Government’s core objective of creating jobs. At the same time we must protect the major investment in national roads in recent years by facilitating reasonable development proposals that meet road design and safety criteria and that otherwise accord with proper planning and sustainable development.
The guidelines are being issued by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), thereby underpinned by statute. Planning authorities and An Bord Pleanála area required to have regard to the guidelines in carrying out their functions under the Planning Acts.