Join the 2016 European Week for Waste Reduction

This year’s edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) takes place from 19-27 November 2016, so now is the time to start preparing your waste reduction activity.

The EWWR consists of multiple activities taking place all around Europe that promote awareness about sustainable resource and waste management. This year’s edition is particularly focused on packaging waste reduction.

Packaging waste linked to current consumption trends is problematic, especially when such waste is due to unnecessary, over-packaging of products. The good news is that each one of us can easily help to tackle waste reduction. Participation in EWWR is also easy. To get involved simply register your action before 4 November 2016 on the EWWR website.

To help prepare activities, the EWWR site contains a large database of examples and ideas of how to organise an action. There are also a lot of support tools available to help formulate, implement and evaluate actions.

As ever, the EWWR – which is run by the LIFE project EWWR+ (LIFE12 INF/BE/000459) – is an occasion to engage around the ‘3Rs’ of waste reduction: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. To date more than 61 500 actions have taken place as a result of the EWWR since its launch in 2009. The organisers hope to implement more actions in 2016 than in any previous edition.