Sustainability and Climate Change in Dublin City

This year Dublin City Council has published the fourth annual Sustainability Report.[pdf, 7.22MB] Looking back at 2013 across the following themes: Society, Economy, Innovation, Climate & Energy, Transportation, Infrastructure & Land Use, Biodiversity and Resource Management. These were chosen in consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders, and with reference to the City Development Plan and responses to previous reports.

We have published these reports since 2010 and in 2012 we published an accompanying indicators report to better measure our progress. In 2013 we have reported against eight themes and have integrated high-level indicators into a single report. There continue to be issues of indicator suitability and data availability and we would welcome feedback on how to improve on this. Additionally, we hope to expand our use of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index. The index helps to standardise reports so that they become comparable between organisations. In this way we can more easily benchmark ourselves against peers nationally and internationally. As in previous years we are publishing this report exclusively online. This is consistent with the principles behind the report but also allows us to increase usability. Hyperlinks (in bold text) help users access further information more easily. Being online also increases the audience for the reports and they have been viewed thousands of times across the world. Our sustainability reporting is an evolving process and we look forward to your feedback on how to improve it further.

More Information
View previous report here
