The Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), which operates under the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), released an updated version of its Guidelines for Emissions Monitoring and Reporting in the Cement Industry. These guidelines provide a common framework to CSI member companies and the wider industry to monitor and report on air emissions.
The guidelines were originally published in 2005, and CSI member companies subsequently started reporting annually on a set of agreed key performance indicators for emissions and set their own emissions reduction targets.
The new version 2.0 (2012)[ 1.60MB] of the guidelines takes into account the experience gained during implementation and evaluation of the first guidelines and of the development of the regulatory framework in the years since. The main changes from the previous guidelines are the requirement for continuous emission monitoring of main kiln stack emissions (NOx, SOx, dust), recommendation for continuous monitoring of VOCs and regular measurement of mercury, PCDD/Fs and metals (volatile and other heavy metals). The guidelines provide increased precision on measurement standards, and options on the type of equipment to be used.
CSI member companies have committed to implementing the new guidelines by the end of 2015, and the CSI will promote them in the wider industry.